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Guided Slacklining & Highlining

Elevate Outdoors is the very first Highline guiding business in the USA. Discover you are capable of far more than you think, by walking hundreds of feet above a Moab canyon during our custom guided Highline Experiences. Owner Faith Dickey has held multiple world records in the sport of highlining, and has been a professional Highliner for 14 years. Not only will you experience the rush of stepping into the void, but you will learn valuable techniques for navigating fear and expanding your comfort zone with an expert guide. Our array of Highline Courses are designed for the completely inexperienced to the seasoned Highliner alike. Come walk a highline hundreds of feet above a Moab Canyon!


Not into heights but want to experience the transportive feeling of pure focus while balancing? Slackline lessons low to the ground are available too!

Contact us for more info, questions or comments, or give us a call at


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Woman owned & operated🌈

we are an inclusive business.
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